Backyard Pond

Discussion of backyard pond, frogs, goldfish and plants.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Stare Down with Giant Owl

Late last night I looked out at the pond and there was a giant owl sitting on top of this bamboo pole. My wife setup this bamboo pole to support some vines she planted. The pole stands about 6 feet tall and is anchored in a pot of gravel. It is amazing that an animal as big as this owl (about 2 feet tall) can sit on topof this pole. When I turned on the light he turned his head and stared at me for almost a minute before flying away. It is so cool the way he can turn his head almost all the way around without moving his body. He didn't seem to be too frightened of me but finally he spread his wings (probably about 5 feet) and flew off into the woods.


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