Backyard Pond

Discussion of backyard pond, frogs, goldfish and plants.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Biggest Caterpillar and Black and Gold

The other day I stumbled upon this giant caterpillar on the Butterfly bush. This guy is 6 inches long and as thick as a dime. From research on the Web, we think it will turn into a Pandorus Sphinx Moth. He didn't move much for about 24 hours and then was gone. His size was quite a shock as move of our caterpillars are tiny compared to him.
In the second photo, one of our Black Magic Elephant Ears has produced a golden flower. Pretty amazing stuff these plants are able to surprise us with. This spike was about 8 inches long. It must be the right time of the year because we noticed two other Black Magic's producing these beautiful flowers.


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