Backyard Pond

Discussion of backyard pond, frogs, goldfish and plants.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wild Clematis and Clematis After Bloom

A neat thing happened about 3 years ago. We planted some Mums in a large pot on the patio and they did great the first year. The next year the Mums didn't come back much at all but a Clematis sprang up. We didn't know what it was as the vine grew but the purple flower led us to believe it was a Clematis vine. The interesting thing about this unexpected Clematis is the flowers blooms face down instead of up or out as you can see in this photo. Last year the plant was heavy with blooms and this year is starting out that way too. The other photo is of the store bought Clematis that had the large gorgeous flowers a couple of weeks ago. After the bloom drops it's petals, a unique spidery looking seed pod takes the place of the flower. We are researching how we might plant these to grow new plants but haven't found a definitive method yet.


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