Backyard Pond

Discussion of backyard pond, frogs, goldfish and plants.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Run It's a Shark and a Crow

OK so this is probably a dumb idea but I found it at a yard sale. I know I have seen the Great Blue Heron flying high in the sky. What if he looked down and saw a shark - would it scare him or invite him. Only time will tell. I figured if I had to float Styrofoam on the pond, Styrofoam with a picture might be more fun.
I have confirmed that the crows aren't concerned about the shark since they are still hanging around. Lucky for me the crows don't eat my big Goldfish (that I know of).


Blogger Tina said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, that's great. I hope it works!

5/22/2008 08:26:00 AM  

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